
Brescia’s 管理学硕士 is a 32-credit-hour degree which requires the following eight courses:

BAd 510管理 & 组织政策 & 练习- 4个学时

This course is designed to provide an introduction to concepts and theories about the factors that influence the functioning of complex organizations and to develop foundations and frameworks that can be used to analyze and solve organizational problems. 本课程追溯组织的历史发展, 审查组织的变化, 管理, 以及竞争的本质. 变化是组织中普遍存在的特征. 随着组织管理变得越来越复杂, the ability to analyze and respond to change is a fundamental part of effective 管理. This course focuses on fostering an understanding of organizational change process in order to facilitate 学生’ abilities to influence effectively organizational change situations.

BAd 520领导力、权力与影响力- 4个学分

本课程的目的是检验, 考虑, and experience the kind of leadership that will be required to create and maintain high levels of organizational excellence in the future. The course will 考虑 the following questions: How do we de-bureaucratize our existing organizations? Who will lead these organizations to higher levels of quality, productivity, and effectiveness? 这样的领导者如何灌输一种更强的远见, 任务, 更高的目标, greater feelings of urgency and importance into the lives of the people doing the work? This course addresses the process of asking and answering these types of questions and helps 学生 integrate their own answers into their lives and their practice of 管理. 本课程还探讨了组织中的权力动态等问题, 管理者获取和运用影响力的方法, 以及在危机时刻使用权力.

管理的法律环境- 4个学分

本课程旨在提高学生对政府角色的认识, 行政机构, 和其他力量在规范商业行为和管理决策. Its principal goal is to help 学生 understand the responsibilities of managers and modern organizations. The course provides a framework for thoughtful analysis and for developing practical, 负责任的行动计划. 学生将探索组织价值观和个人价值观之间的冲突, 以及平衡对政府义务的方法, 机构, 选区内外都有. 本课程采用案例研究, 阅读, and video materials to engage 学生 intellectually and personally in the strategic, 行政, 以及组织决策的伦理复杂性.

人力资源与组织发展- 4学时

This course examines human resource development within the context of organization development and change. It focuses on human resource systems and policies as they enhance or constrain organizational effectiveness. The course works from a dynamic model of human resource and organization development, 检查不断变化的技能, 动机, 值, 以及人口统计数据,因为它们影响就业和发展实践. 还审查了由全球化和新技术引发的新兴趋势. An overriding 考虑ation in the course will be the dimensions of organizational change, focusing on developing an understanding of alternative strategies for managing change as well as 考虑ations which should guide choices between alternatives.

商业,政府和国际经济- 4学分

This course takes an integrated conceptual approach to the analysis of the international environment and national economic strategies. It provides a 管理 framework and analytical tools for evaluating trends in the economic, 政治, 以及世界各地商业的社会背景. 学生们比较不同国家的发展战略, 考虑他们对商业和组织的影响, 并评估其对管理决策和国际竞争力的影响. 货币和财政政策, 国民经济表现, 贸易关系, 并讨论了产业政策, 关注政治问题. Students analyze the key resource flows that tie nations together in order to understand better the structure and dynamics of international 竞争. 讨论的重点是欧洲共同市场的发展, 东欧市场的开放, 以及环太平洋地区和拉丁美洲市场的新趋势.

工业分析和全球竞争战略- 4学时

This course will be taught from a strategic 管理 perspective with global strategy, 战略变化, 并将国际竞争力作为其核心主题. The formulation of competitive strategy requires an inclusive view of the overall operating environment. 市场的力量, 竞争, 政府, 社会都影响着一套共同战略目标的发展. Students learn how to analyze industries and how organizations position themselves for superior performance. Students also learn ways that organizations can enhance competitive advantages through strategically selected industries in which to participate and through coordinating the strategies of related units within the system. 该课程还提供了学习亚洲企业如何发展的机会, 欧洲, and North America have changed to become globally competitive through the excellence of their 操作.

BAd 640组织功能管理- 4学分

The fundamental premise for this course is that each manager has both an operating and strategic sector in her/his position. The emphasis of the course is on decision making 和实现 under uncertainty. The point of view is often that of the manager in the formative years of experience who must develop the ability to lead, 采取行动, and operate effectively in a system generally designed by others in an environment typically not under her/his control. The content of the course emphasizes the use of hard and soft data in making the useful methods for conducting research, 包括数据收集和统计分析, and continues the functional analysis begun in the Management and 组织政策 and Practice course. High priority is given to the 管理 of cross-functional issues and problems and extends to macroeconomics, 研究与开发, 全球营销, 操作, 和金融. Coverage of advanced topics from a multi-functional base continues to emphasize diagnosis, 行动计划, 和实现. The course will also examine the principal concepts and processes required to manage today’s large complex projects and critical issues related to individual and group behavior within the project 管理 spectrum.

BAd 651高级管理主题- 4学分

This course provides 学生 with the opportunity to examine in-depth a specific topic of current significance in managerial theory and practice. The primary criteria used to select the course topic are relevance and timeliness